Paul Ryan: ‘Path To Prosperity’ or road to nowhere?

By Al Norman In April, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-WI, introduced a federal budget resolution for 2014 that was equally controversial with past budgets from...

Before doctors check your vitals, check out theirs

Being licensed and likable doesn’t necessarily mean a doctor is up to date on best practices. But consumers aren’t sure how to uncover much more.

AARP Supports the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act

Across America, family caregivers help parents, spouses, children and adults with disabilities and other loved ones to live independently. They prepare meals, handle finances, manage medications, drive to doctors’ appointments, help with bathing and dressing, and perform complex medical tasks and more — all so loved ones can live at home.

Let’s Talk: Americans need health care and retirement security

By Deborah E. Banda “I remember the pride I felt when I received my Social Security card at the age of 14,” said Sarah, an...

Why flu should be in the headlines instead of Ebola

By Dr. David Rideout There is no doubt that the media has been focusing on the Ebola health concerns, but there is a far greater...

Status of the Social Security and Medicare programs

By Mike Festa The Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds recently issued a report on the current and projected financial status of...

Let’s end all sales tax holidays

Several years ago I bought a kitchen stove during the “sales tax holiday” in Massachusetts. Most years I ignore the “holiday” on sales tax. But the kitchen stove was a purchase I needed to make, so I waited for the tax free weekend. In my case, the retailer who sold me the stove did not benefit from the “holiday”---because I was going to buy it anyway, and all I did was time my purchase to avoid taxes. It was only the taxpayers who got the short end.

How to lower your breast cancer risk

Women concerned about breast cancer should worry less about cellphones and hair dyes and worry more about weighing or drinking too much, exercising too little, using menopause hormones and getting too much radiation from medical tests.

How can I get rid of glasses after cataract surgery? Part 4

By Dr. Jean Keamy Cataracts typically occur in patients over 50. At birth the lens is crystal clear, but with time it gets cloudy. This...

Now available: Free help with your taxes

By Mike Festa It’s that time of year again. Yes, it’s tax time. More than 600 volunteers are ready and waiting to help older Massachusetts...