Health-oriented smartphone apps draw caution

More and more these days, the same smartphone technology that allows tourists to find the best latte nearby and bystanders to become instant video journalists at a natural disaster is making its way into medicine and health.

Weighing cancer risks, from cellphones to coffee

You are sitting in a freshly dry-walled house, drinking coffee from a Styrofoam cup and talking on a cellphone. Which of these is most likely to be a cancer risk?

Helping deaf people to enjoy music again

Researchers from the University of Southampton are investigating how to help deaf people, who have received a cochlear implant, to get more enjoyment from...

Don’t let bugs take a bite out of your fun

By Dr. David Rideout New Englanders are blessed with a varied landscape of lush gardens, beautiful forests and pretty seashores. With this incredible landscape comes...

What About Seniors? Don’t they deserve respect?

By Deborah E. Banda In all the hoopla surrounding the release of Gov. Deval Patrick’s Fiscal Year 2013 state budget proposal, we heard about ways...

Why flu should be in the headlines instead of Ebola

By Dr. David Rideout There is no doubt that the media has been focusing on the Ebola health concerns, but there is a far greater...

How I spent my sales tax holiday: I stayed home

By Al Norman I was not one of the thousands of Massachusetts shoppers prowling the retail aisles on Aug. 11 and 12 looking to avoid...

Why do I need a dilated medical eye exam?

By Dr. Jean Keamy Many of my patients have no eye complaints and only need glasses or nothing at all. Through an un-dilated pupil, a limited...

Diabetic retinopathy screening critica

By Dr. Jean E Keamy Diabetes can cause many problems in the eyes. It is a leading cause of vision problems in the United States...

Gov. Patrick: Where have all the elders gone?

By Al Norman For the sixth year in a row, in Gov. Deval Patrick’s annual report to citizens he has said little or nothing about...