Oral health and missing teeth linked to your wellbeing
Some researchers believe that inflammation in your mouth is linked to other health problems in the rest of your body.
Important Information for People in Medicare
Health Care Reform & You: More than one million Massachusetts residents rely on Medicare. The new health care reform law guarantees that existing, basic Medicare benefits will not change, for both traditional Medicare and private Medicare Advantage.
How to get rid of those droopy eyelids
When we are in our twenties, our upper and lower eyelids look perfect. No one ever noticed droopy upper lids or puffy bags under our lids in our youth.
Weightlifting helps breast cancer survivors
For decades, many doctors warned that lifting weights or even heavy groceries could cause painful arm swelling.
Arteries improve after smokers quit, study finds
Quitting smoking can turn back time.
State adds 5-year freeze on nursing home construction
By Al Norman
Don’t expect to see any new nursing homes built in Massachusetts in the near future.
That’s the word from the Massachusetts Public Health...
Not All Veterans Are Created Equal
Unfortunately, under the rules of veterans benefits programs, not all veterans are created equal — eligibility is everything. There are compensation benefits for veterans who are disabled because of their service.
The Veterans benefit the VA doesn’t want you to know about
One of the biggest fears many people have today is having their life savings wiped out if they have to pay for substantial medical and health care expenses, or God forbid, assisted living or nursing home care.
Restaurant food has more calories than advertised
Dieters can’t believe everything they read: The food at many popular chain restaurants and in the freezer section of the supermarket may contain a lot more calories than advertised.
Obama should expand Medicare for all
A group called “Health Care Now” has been urging President Barack Obama to look backwards for the solution to health care reform.