Getting your eyes in better shape

By Dr. Jean E. Keamy Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is the surgical procedure that uses a laser to reshape the corneas of individuals with...

Is organic food better for you

Stanford University doctors dug through reams of research to find out — and concluded there’s little evidence that going organic is much healthier, citing only a few differences involving pesticides and antibiotics.

Bay State’s 50+ population a source of significant buying power

By Mike Festa Just how much economic activity in Massachusetts is generated by people over age 50? Business owners and others might be surprised: Across...

Today’s threat to Medicare and Social Security: The Supercommittee

By Deborah E. Banda As the race for our nation’s next president begins to heat up, we’re hearing about where candidates stand on Social Security...

The Affordable Care Act: A good deal for everyone

The new law does not cut Medicare’s guaranteed benefits; it improves them. Before the law was passed, those with Medicare prescription drug coverage faced a growing gap (the “doughnut hole”) that left them vulnerable to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket drug costs. This year, people in the doughnut hole received a $250 rebate toward the costs of their drugs. Starting in 2011, the gap will gradually close, saving seniors money and helping them get the drugs they need.

What About Seniors? Don’t they deserve respect?

By Deborah E. Banda In all the hoopla surrounding the release of Gov. Deval Patrick’s Fiscal Year 2013 state budget proposal, we heard about ways...

How Can I Get Rid of My Glasses? Part 3

By Dr. Jean Keamy Phakic Intraocular Lens or Phakic IOL presents another option for glasses free vision. With over 10 years of history, hundreds of...

Take Social Security off fiscal cliff

By Al Norman In the fall of 2008, the Goldman Sachs Group, which describes itself as “a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management...

Season for sinus infections approaches with available treatments

Dr. Roxanne Latimer As the days of summer come to a close cooler and drier weather prevails, a common affliction that can develop is acute...

What is Glaucoma? Doctor describes disease in detail

By Jean E. Keamy Patients often come to my office and wonder if they have glaucoma. Another group of patients think that just because they...