Deadline nears for Medicare Part D enrollment

By Ron Pollack If you have Medicare, you know that as soon as the leaves start falling from the trees, your mailbox will fill up...

150 years of dieting fads and still no quick fix

Before there was Dr. Atkins, there was William Banting. He invented the low-carb diet of 1863.

November audio book releases

THE BURNING ROOM (A Harry Bosch Novel)*          Pub Date: November 3 By Michael Connelly                                          Read by Titus Welliver In the LAPD's Open-Unsolved Unit, not...

Close the loopholes before cutting elder services

By Al Norman With state officials warning of “huge cuts to services” in the FY 2012 budget, it’s time for the state to close expensive...

No one fix to slow hospital readmission epidemic

More than 1 million Americans wind up back in the hospital only weeks after they left for reasons that could have been prevented — a revolving door that for years has seemed impossible to slow.

Do you hear what I hear?

By Robert Mario In both animals and humans, vocal signals used for communication contain a wide array of different sounds that are determined by the...

Losing weight, keeping it off, two different things

“No one announces to a dieter, ‘You’re moving into the weight-maintenance stage. You’ll have to do things differently,’ said Dr. Christopher Sciamanna.

Tips for quitting smoking

Region –If you’re a smoker, quitting is the most important step you can take to protect your health, decreasing the risk of lung disease, cancer, and even early death. If you want to quit and tried in the past, don’t give up. It often takes several tries before you can quit for good. However, with planning and support, you can become tobacco-free.

‘Saving Congressman Ryan,’ the sequel gets nasty

By Al Norman You remember trickle-down economics? Well, it’s still trickling — with an emphasis on the “trick.” In early April, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-Wis.,...

Summertime eye health care is an ounce of prevention

By Dr. Steven A. Nielsen Summer is here with its sights, sounds and smells that make it the season of leisure, vacation and relaxation. But with...