The state’s ‘secret’ budget

I have been a registered lobbyist on Beacon Hill for 30 years. I have only represented one client over all that time: Mass Home Care, a private, nonprofit network whose mission is to help elderly and disabled individuals live independently at home. I am in the middle of my 30th state budget cycle. The House version of the budget has just been approved. The Senate is up next. There were 1,307 amendments filed in the House, which means that the average state representative filed eight budget amendments.

Listening to ourselves speak: We have volume settings

By Dr. Robert Mario Like the mute button on the TV remote control, our brains filter out unwanted noise so we can focus on what...

4 Medicare Advantage shopping tips

Early December may be the least wonderful time of the year for Medicare Advantage customers who still haven’t settled on coverage plans for 2015. Most...

Before doctors check your vitals, check out theirs

Being licensed and likable doesn’t necessarily mean a doctor is up to date on best practices. But consumers aren’t sure how to uncover much more.

Helping hands help veterans during this and every season

By Attorney Tracey Ingle As we near the end of the year thoughts inevitably turn to the holidays and questions of how one can help...

Gov. Baker has an opportunity to give state’s aging clout

By Al Norman One of the biggest opportunities waiting for Gov. Charlie Baker is to more efficiently deliver long term care services for older residents...

Medicare and prevention: Take charge of your health

By Ron Pollack Experts tell us the key to making New Year’s resolutions is to make your goals realistic. So if walking a mile is...

Dementia information at your fingertips

I just dropped my 91-year-old father and his wife off at Logan Airport. They live outside of LA, and were visiting here for a week.  My father has clearly deteriorated both physically and mentally with increased dementia since I visited him several months ago.

More news you need to know about cataracts

In last month’s article, I discussed what a cataract is. For those of you who may have missed the article, I will summarize. The lens in the eye acts much like a lens in a camera. It focuses images we see onto the retina that is analogous to film in a camera. When we are born, a healthy lens is clear.

How VA Aid and Attendance helps veterans’ surviving spouses

The VA Aid and Attendance benefit enabled John to attend a day care program several days a week to give Martha a break and time for errands.