January audio book releases from Hachette Audio

To learn more or to order the following January releases from Hachette Audio go to http://www.hachettebookgroup.com/publishers/hachette-audio/   ON THE EDGE*                                                                                               Pub Date:...

Horror! It’s Mr. Peanut!

This year, Mr. Peanut, that smiling peanut-shaped humanoid decorating food packages that contain Planters Peanuts, turns 100 years old. To you, he might be a...

Programs for the elderly should be ‘untouchable’

By Al Norman When state budget projections turn south, money for the elderly and disabled should be protected from cuts. Usually in the fall, state officials...

High SPF sunscreen ratings questioned

Sunbathers headed to the beach this summer will find new sunscreen labels on store shelves that are designed to make the products more effective and easier to use.

Don’t ‘fall’ for misconceptions on falls and aging

By Dr. David Rideout, M.D. Falling is one of the major factors that impedes the independence of seniors as we age. Complications from falls are...

Five summer road trip safety tips

By Michael E. Festa Whether heading to the Cape, the Berkshires or beyond, nothing says summer in New England more than an old-fashioned road trip....

Innovative procedure can alleviate back pain

By Denise Moore Spinal fractures probably aren’t one of the current “hot” health topics when having an annual physical. But for a growing number of...

Even fit boomers won’t escape heart problems

The best odds are in the healthiest adults — those who don’t smoke, have diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Dry winter air could mean dry eyes

By Steven A. Nielsen Cold winter air means air low in humidity content. If you are experiencing symptoms like irritated, scratchy, burning eyes, excess watering...

Diabetic eye disease: What you should know

By Dr. Steven A. Nielsen As we leave the mildness of early autumn behind and prepare for the approaching colder months, it is important not...