More news you need to know about cataracts

In last month’s article, I discussed what a cataract is. For those of you who may have missed the article, I will summarize. The lens in the eye acts much like a lens in a camera. It focuses images we see onto the retina that is analogous to film in a camera. When we are born, a healthy lens is clear.

Home sweet home for adopted dog

Cedar Falls, Iowa - Some circumstances fall together so beautifully it's almost certain they were meant to be. So goes the story of Pops the dog and his friendship with residents of the Western Home's Thalman Square, the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier reported. On Feb. 10, Pops arrived at the Cedar Bend Humane Society (CBHS). The odds were long for finding the 9-year-old Labrador retriever mix a forever home.

Pills made from poop cure serious gut infections

It’s a disgusting topic but a serious problem. Half a million Americans get Clostridium difficile, or C-diff, infections each year, and about 14,000 die.

Study finds java drinkers live longer

No one knows why. Coffee contains a thousand things that can affect health, from helpful antioxidants to tiny amounts of substances linked to cancer. The most widely studied ingredient — caffeine — didn’t play a role in the new study’s results.

What is old school in the world of funeral arrangements?

By Joe Casper Recently I went into an Asian restaurant and asked the young waiter, “My father loved chicken chow-mein. How is it here?” To...

Walking a mile in their shoes

I have been working in affordable housing for over 25 years. I know about aging and disabilities.  I also know about reasonable accommodations and modifications. I know that not all limitations are obvious to others and I know that many disabilities cannot be seen.

Protecting mobility as you age

By Dr. David Rideout What is mobility and why does it decline with age? Mobility is simply the physical ability to move. Mobility allows us to...

July audio book releases from Hachette

THE COMPETITION (A Rachel Knight Novel)                Pub Date: July 8 By Marcia Clark                     Read by January LaVoy A Columbine-style massacre at a high school...

Couldn’t we just snooze through it all?

By Janice Lindsay Woodchucks do it. Bats do it. Chipmunks and jumping mice do it. Bears do it. I want to do it, too. I want...
Mike Festa of AARP Massachusetts highlights AARP's summer 2024 events to help make connections.

AARP Foundation survey finds neighborhood connections key to countering social isolation

By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP, Massachusetts A new survey released by AARP Foundation, “Loneliness and Social Connections: A National Survey of Adults 45 and...