Credit freeze bill clears the Senate

By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP Massachusetts Photo Mike Festa Photo Submitted S.B. 2455: An Act Removing Fees for Security Freezes and Disclosures of Consumer Credit...

Medicare and prevention: Take charge of your health

By Ron Pollack Experts tell us the key to making New Year’s resolutions is to make your goals realistic. So if walking a mile is...

What has happened to the Gerontocracy in this country?

By Al Norman I was honored to speak recently to the graduating class of the U. Mass Boston B.A. in Gerontology Program. Here is a...

Physical by smartphone becoming real possibility

It’s not a Star Trek tricorder, but by hooking a variety of gadgets onto a smartphone, you could almost get a complete physical.

Itchy Eyes: It’s important to distinguish the cause

By Dr. Jean E. Keamy Once April flowers begin to bloom, many patients complain of itchy eyes. For some the symptoms last until the leaves fall...

Governor Patrick’s adult day Care blunder

Several hundred people from across the state visited Boston recently — but they were not there to take in the sites. They assembled in the cramped hearing room of the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy to protest Gov. Deval Patrick’s plan to cut the rates of the adult day care program, and ultimately to close down many of these centers.

Women’s eye health primer

By Dr. Jean Keamy Since women typically live longer than men, they are at greater risk for developing vision-inhibiting conditions and diseases such as cataracts...

Will new ‘save driver’ rules make our roads safer?

By Al Norman Last July, I wrote about a new state law that was supposed to help get unsafe drivers off the road. But will...

So we have germs: But they’re our unique germs

Sorry, clean freaks. No matter how well you scrub your home, it’s covered in bacteria from your own body. And if you pack up and move, you’ll rapidly transfer your unique microbial fingerprint .

Blepharitis is the common cause of red, irritated lids

By Dr. Jean E. Keamy One of the most common complaints is red, irritated eyelids. Often the lids are itchy, red, scaly and sore. In...