Strength for life helps keep joints limber

By Wayne Phillips Remember the old spiritual song, Dem Bones?: “The hip bone’s connected to the thigh bone. The thigh bone’s connected to the knee...

Seniors with macular degeneration can read again with technology

Ella M. has surrounded herself with books her entire life. A graduate of Hunter College in 1938, she went on to work as an editor, writer, and book designer, a vocation she didn’t fully let go of until she was eighty years old.

Help support funding for home, community based services

By Michael E. Festa We know that the most vulnerable among us must be protected. The aging population of Massachusetts will continue to grow along...

Let’s work to keep Social Security strong for now and the future

By Deborah E. Banda There’s a lot of talk about Social Security these days. Politicians and political pundits talk about solving the nation’s budget crisis...

Don’t let Congress cut Medicare and Social Security benefits

On Oct. 12, call Sen. Kerry, Sen. Brown and your U.S. Representative at 888-722-8514. Tell them you’re not a pushover; don’t let them cut your Medicare and Social Security benefits.

New report reveals Americans are facing terrifying retirement

By Al Norman A recent report from a Washington, D.C. think tank says that the “retirement crisis” facing most families is worse than we think....

A flu shot should be on to-do’s list

By David Rideout The weather is a bit cooler, and we are spending more time indoors. The cold and flu season is not far off....

Social Security helps keep the economy healthy and vibrant

By Michael E. Festa There’s been a lot of talk about Social Security, but one thing that hasn’t come up in the conversation is the...

Memory decline may be earliest sign of dementia

Noticing you have had a decline beyond the occasional misplaced car keys or forgotten name could be the very earliest sign of Alzheimer’s, several research teams are reporting.

Dry winter air could mean dry eyes

By Steven A. Nielsen Cold winter air means air low in humidity content. If you are experiencing symptoms like irritated, scratchy, burning eyes, excess watering...