Governor Patrick’s adult day Care blunder

Several hundred people from across the state visited Boston recently — but they were not there to take in the sites. They assembled in the cramped hearing room of the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy to protest Gov. Deval Patrick’s plan to cut the rates of the adult day care program, and ultimately to close down many of these centers.

Are you in? Join the fight to protect Medicare and Social Security

By Deborah E. Banda As the temperature heats up this summer, so does the fight to protect Medicare and Social Security. By the beginning of...

Taking care of ear problems throughout the year

By Dr. Roxanne Latimer Some of the most common winter complaints are annoying ear pain, ear clogging and decreased hearing. The problems that start in...

Sugary drinks could spur overeating

All sugars are not equal — even though they contain the same amount of calories — because they are metabolized differently in the body.

Varied approaches to chronic pain may help sufferers

By Savitha Tudi Chronic pain, defined as pain that lasts for more than three months, can manifest itself in many ways. And its cause can...

Been down so long it looks like up when it comes to retiree needs

By Al Norman Another state budget debate has come and gone. The Conference Committee working out differences between the House and Senate budget for 2012 released...

Let’s work to keep Social Security strong for now and the future

By Deborah E. Banda There’s a lot of talk about Social Security these days. Politicians and political pundits talk about solving the nation’s budget crisis...

Don’t let Congress cut Medicare and Social Security benefits

On Oct. 12, call Sen. Kerry, Sen. Brown and your U.S. Representative at 888-722-8514. Tell them you’re not a pushover; don’t let them cut your Medicare and Social Security benefits.

New report reveals Americans are facing terrifying retirement

By Al Norman A recent report from a Washington, D.C. think tank says that the “retirement crisis” facing most families is worse than we think....

A flu shot should be on to-do’s list

By David Rideout The weather is a bit cooler, and we are spending more time indoors. The cold and flu season is not far off....