Medicare open enrollment an opportunity to review

By Linda F. Fitzgerald For those of us with Medicare, the fall season means more than enjoying the foliage, watching our favorite football team (for...

AARP Voters’ Guide for U.S. Senate

The AARP Voters' Guide compiles publicly available information and statements from candidates’ campaign sources on Social Security, Medicare and financial security. Find out where Scott P. Brown (R) and Elizabeth A. Warren (D) stand on these issues before voting on Nov. 6.

Nearly 1 in 20 US adults over 50 have fake knees

Doctors know the number of knee replacement operations has surged in the past decade, especially in baby boomers

A paint-by-numbers portrait of a changing nation

We’re heavier in pounds and hotter by degrees than Americans of old. We’re starting to snub our noses at distant suburbs after generations of burbs in our blood. Our roads and bridges are kind of a mess.

Elderly, disabled to be forced into managed care plans

By Al Norman On Aug. 22, Massachusetts became the first state in the nation to reach agreement with the federal government to engage in a...

Taking care of your mental health a priority

Getting older does not just mean a risk for physical ailments like heart disease and creaky knees: A new report finds as many as 1 in 5 American seniors has a mental health or substance abuse problem.

How can I get rid of glasses after cataract surgery? Part 4

By Dr. Jean Keamy Cataracts typically occur in patients over 50. At birth the lens is crystal clear, but with time it gets cloudy. This...

Season for sinus infections approaches with available treatments

Dr. Roxanne Latimer As the days of summer come to a close cooler and drier weather prevails, a common affliction that can develop is acute...

Hearing Loss can lead to depression

Hearing problems can happen gradually with age, making them easy to ignore. Yet, they can have a devastating impact — contributing to depression and...

How I spent my sales tax holiday: I stayed home

By Al Norman I was not one of the thousands of Massachusetts shoppers prowling the retail aisles on Aug. 11 and 12 looking to avoid...