Paul Ryan: ‘Path To Prosperity’ or road to nowhere?

By Al Norman In April, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-WI, introduced a federal budget resolution for 2014 that was equally controversial with past budgets from...

Dry winter air could mean dry eyes

By Steven A. Nielsen Cold winter air means air low in humidity content. If you are experiencing symptoms like irritated, scratchy, burning eyes, excess watering...

Hearing Loss can lead to depression

Hearing problems can happen gradually with age, making them easy to ignore. Yet, they can have a devastating impact — contributing to depression and...

Waiting and waiting and waiting…

Doctors call it “the waiting room.” That is what I’m doing. I have a sore throat. I arrived on time for my appointment. I checked in. I paid my co-pay. And now I am waiting. I have been told, “It will be a few minutes.” Uh, oh. “It will be a few minutes” is doctor-office code for “I hope you brought a snack and you’re starting to read a Victorian novel, because we are Backed Up.”

War on poverty now a war on the poor

The federal War on Poverty has turned into a war on poor people. The battle lines have shifted from alleviating poverty, to eliminating poor people. Instead of attacking poverty, the field has been reversed, and the attack is on poor people themselves.

Tips for getting enough physical activity

It may sound daunting: The government says most adults should get 2 1/2 hours a week of physical activity that revs their heart rates. But...

You hunter, me gatherer

Ordinarily, this woman does not believe that household tasks are sex-specific. A person does not need upper-body strength to balance a checkbook. The ability to bear children does not uniquely qualify someone to slip a role of toilet paper into a holder. So when routine household chores don’t require superior brawn, she and her husband share them, each doing what he or she likes best or dislikes least.

Medicare open enrollment: What you need to know

By Mike Festa For those with Medicare, October marks the beginning of the yearly Medicare open enrollment period, which officially begins on Oct. 15 and...

Horror! It’s Mr. Peanut!

This year, Mr. Peanut, that smiling peanut-shaped humanoid decorating food packages that contain Planters Peanuts, turns 100 years old. To you, he might be a...
Mike Festa of AARP Massachusetts highlights AARP's summer 2024 events to help make connections.

AARP Foundation survey finds neighborhood connections key to countering social isolation

By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP, Massachusetts A new survey released by AARP Foundation, “Loneliness and Social Connections: A National Survey of Adults 45 and...