Safer driving benefits everyone, no matter the season

By Michael E. Festa Here in New England, we see our share of seasonal weather changes. Just as the seasons change, so do road conditions...

The new year offers a resolution for better health

By Dr. Steven A. Nielsen The holidays are in full swing, characterized by the hustle and bustle of celebrations, traditions and last-minute shopping. The days...

This fall, ease into retirement, online

September 23 marks the first day of fall. During this season, many people reflect on the gradual passing of time as green leaves turn gold and pine needles blanket lawns. You are also slowly changing, and those golden years of retirement are one season closer.

Will new ‘save driver’ rules make our roads safer?

By Al Norman Last July, I wrote about a new state law that was supposed to help get unsafe drivers off the road. But will...

A place not made for us

In his New York Times bestselling book, “Being Mortal,” surgeon Atul Gawande explains the rise of nursing homes in America starting in the 1950s. “Hospitals couldn’t solve the debilities of chronic illness and advancing age,” he wrote, “and they began to fill up with people who had nowhere to go.” The hospitals lobbied Congress for funding “to enable them to build separate custodial units for patients needing an extended period of “recovery.”

Diabetic Women Subject to Greater Hearing Loss

By Robert Mario Diabetes may cause women to experience a greater degree of hearing loss as they age, especially if the metabolic disorder is not...

Special election 2013: What’s at stake

By Michael E. Festa Bay State voters head to the polls next month — this time to fill the seat vacated by Sen. John Kerry...

Tax cuts for the wealthy won’t create jobs or help economy

By Al Norman President Barack Obama has agreed to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the very wealthy, but some leaders in his own party...

Minimum wage is also an elder issue since many work

By Al Norman Why should elders care about raising the minimum wage in Massachusetts? Well, for one thing, many older people are still in the workforce,...

Make your voice heard about Medicare and Social Security

By Linda F. Fitzgerald It’s no secret: For the last year, Congress has been debat- ing cuts to Medicare and Social Security as part of...