Senior centers court baby boomers

It’s hard to believe that those long-haired hippies, those radicals of the 60s who said “never trust anyone over 30,” have, well, gotten older.

Why do I need an eye exam?

By Jean E. Keamy People who wear glasses get their eye examined to update their prescription. If patients are seeing well, they tend not to get...

Governor Patrick’s adult day Care blunder

Several hundred people from across the state visited Boston recently — but they were not there to take in the sites. They assembled in the cramped hearing room of the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy to protest Gov. Deval Patrick’s plan to cut the rates of the adult day care program, and ultimately to close down many of these centers.

No one fix to slow hospital readmission epidemic

More than 1 million Americans wind up back in the hospital only weeks after they left for reasons that could have been prevented — a revolving door that for years has seemed impossible to slow.

November audio book releases

THE BURNING ROOM (A Harry Bosch Novel)*          Pub Date: November 3 By Michael Connelly                                          Read by Titus Welliver In the LAPD's Open-Unsolved Unit, not...

Fountain of youth treatment has dangerous side effects

Peddled as an elixir of life capable of turning middle-aged bodies into lean machines, HGH winds up in the eager hands of affluent, aging users who hope to slow or even reverse the aging process.

High SPF sunscreen ratings questioned

Sunbathers headed to the beach this summer will find new sunscreen labels on store shelves that are designed to make the products more effective and easier to use.

March audio book releases from Hachette Audio

To learn more or to order the following January releases from Hachette Audio go to   TROUBLE IN MIND*                                                                                                  Pub Date:...

Look who’s hitting the slopes

If you’ve walked into a ski lodge the past few years, likely as not you’ve seen tables filled with gray-haired skiers wearing sweaters so old they’re back in style.

Stretch it out!

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), as we age, muscles lose their elasticity unless used regularly, leading to stiffness and soreness. Stretching is the best way to regain and improve flexibility, helping seniors remain active and independent. By incorporating some simple stretching exercises into your routine, you can greatly improve your flexibility, as well as enhance your balance, posture and circulation, relieve pain and stress, and prevent injuries.