High SPF sunscreen ratings questioned

Sunbathers headed to the beach this summer will find new sunscreen labels on store shelves that are designed to make the products more effective and easier to use.

Summertime eye health care is an ounce of prevention

By Dr. Steven A. Nielsen Summer is here with its sights, sounds and smells that make it the season of leisure, vacation and relaxation. But with...

Five summer road trip safety tips

By Michael E. Festa Whether heading to the Cape, the Berkshires or beyond, nothing says summer in New England more than an old-fashioned road trip....

What has happened to the Gerontocracy in this country?

By Al Norman I was honored to speak recently to the graduating class of the U. Mass Boston B.A. in Gerontology Program. Here is a...

No one fix to slow hospital readmission epidemic

More than 1 million Americans wind up back in the hospital only weeks after they left for reasons that could have been prevented — a revolving door that for years has seemed impossible to slow.

Tips to help avoid a preventable hospital return

Patients too often leave the hospital without knowing how to care for themselves, leading to a preventable return. Here are tips to improve your...

PRIDE comes in all ages: LGBT community needs support

By Michael E. Festa The early days of June are always a wonderfully vibrant time in Boston. It’s when we celebrate PRIDE week. AARP staff...

Clinton Youth Council on Aging supports Elder Abuse Awareness

June 15 is the eighth annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The event was created by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder...

Beware of the one-legged stool, it isn’t enough to live on

By Al Norman In 1934, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt first pitched the idea of a Social Security program to Congress, he referred to “three...

Cash can bribe dieters to lose weight

Willpower apparently can be bought. The chance to win or lose $20 a month enticed dieters in a yearlong study to drop an average of 9 pounds.