Medicare open enrollment: Remember the four C’s

By Michael E. Festa For those with Medicare, autumn means more than enjoying the fall foliage. It is also time for Medicare open enrollment, which...

It’s time to end Medicare’s three-day hospital rule

By Al Norman Three years ago, I wrote a letter to Congress about a woman I will call Mrs. Green, a 94-year-old resident of the...

Funeral arrangement choices must be made clear

By Joseph Casper How many times has a great expectation of yours turned into a grate expectation? Just when you believe everything is going spectacularly...

Quieter, please: New products keep it down a bit

Roxanne Went uses her car as “a cone of silence” to escape the noise of leaf blowers outside her suburban West Chester, Pa., home, and of family members’ blaring music inside.

New report reveals Americans are facing terrifying retirement

By Al Norman A recent report from a Washington, D.C. think tank says that the “retirement crisis” facing most families is worse than we think....

To serve, not to be served was a call to action

By Michael E. Festa In 1958, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus set out to solve a big problem: how to help older Americans maintain independence, dignity,...

Knee repair: Therapy as good as surgery?

You might not want to rush into knee surgery. Physical therapy can be just as good for a common injury and at far less cost and risk, the most rigorous study to compare these treatments concludes.

Acceptance: The new American way

In a relatively short span, American views have shifted on everything from gay marriage to marijuana legalization to illegal immigration and, perhaps, more.

Red eyes can have many causes, treatments

By Dr. Jean E. Keamy Many people assume that red eyes mean they have an infection causing conjunctivitis. This may not be the case. There...

New advances in cataract surgery

By Dr. Steven A. Nielsen It’s a fact — as we age, so do our eyes. Most people over 40 will develop cataracts over time,...