Pushing health care to the states is no solution

The U.S. Senate recently found itself in a mad rush to beat the clock and repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) before Sept. 30. It was an act of desperation to support a bill that simply kicked the problem down to the states. Here is the background:

Technology can help reduce social isolation among seniors

By Michael E. Festa Isolation — due to the death of a spouse, loss of friends and companions, and distance away from loved ones—puts millions...

What you need to know about the new Health Care Reform law

By Deborah E. Banda Since national health care reform has been signed into law, have you figured out yet what you need to know? AARP...

Moment of harmony

I remember one moment when the world, at least my world, rested in perfect harmony. This wasn’t my only such moment, but it was the earliest I remember of experiencing that sweet contentment that occurs when everything is in its place. When my sister and I were little, our parents played piano. They had a tiny band, playing for weekly square dances at the village dance hall on the lake. Usually they were joined by a saxophone player and a drummer, sometimes a fiddler, sometimes a banjo player. But the piano was the musical anchor, necessary for every set of three square dances followed by three ballroom dances. The work was too demanding physically for one pianist; our parents took turns.

Ringing in the ears: Facts about tinnitus

By Dr. Robert Mario Do you hear a ringing, whooshing, roaring, clicking or hissing sound in one or both of your ears? Do you hear this sound often...

Half a century of help with Medicare

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare into law with these words: “No longer will older Americans be denied the healing miracle of modern medicine. No longer will illness crush and destroy the savings that they have so carefully put away over a lifetime.”

Elder care wages: Workers living In poverty

By Al Norman In a recent radio address, President Barack Obama said: “No woman who is working full time should have to raise her children...

Congressional two-step: Cut taxes, then entitlements

Elder rights groups are warning that the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (HR 1) will be financed by gutting entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.

You hunter, me gatherer

Ordinarily, this woman does not believe that household tasks are sex-specific. A person does not need upper-body strength to balance a checkbook. The ability to bear children does not uniquely qualify someone to slip a role of toilet paper into a holder. So when routine household chores don’t require superior brawn, she and her husband share them, each doing what he or she likes best or dislikes least.

Hachette Audio Dec. releases

THE GODS OF GUILT*                   By Michael Connelly           Read by Peter Giles Mickey Haller gets the text, "Call me ASAP - 187," and the California penal...