Remembering Miss Grout

By: Janice Lindsay In my family, “to grout” a plate or kitchen utensil means you removed it from its storage space but didn’t use it,...

Status of the Social Security and Medicare programs

By Mike Festa The Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds recently issued a report on the current and projected financial status of...

Stay healthy during the cold winter months

By Dr. David Rideout It is important to stay active year round for overall physical and mental health. The cold winter months can pose challenges...

Caring for the workers who care for the elderly

By Al Norman On March 24, elder advocates from around the Commonwealth will converge on the State House for an Elder Issues Lobby Day. The...

Two guys in a restaurant: The truth about government spending

By Al Norman These two guys walk into a restaurant and order a sirloin steak — well done.  One of the men is a social...

Sometimes you get sunflowers

One raw, late-winter day many years ago, arborists took down a grand, ancient pine in our yard. I don’t remember all of our reasons for this but, once it was cut, signs of internal rot made it clear that the tree would have come down anyway, probably tumbling huge limbs onto somebody’s house. The decision to cut it down had been a good one.

June audio book releases from Hachette

GO WILD              Pub Date: June 3 By John J. Ratey M.D. and Richard Manning         Read by Dan Woren Harvard Medical School professor John Ratey,...

Bedding trends to fight insomnia

If you’ve tossed all night because you were hot, restless or uncomfortable, read on.

Pushing health care to the states is no solution

The U.S. Senate recently found itself in a mad rush to beat the clock and repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) before Sept. 30. It was an act of desperation to support a bill that simply kicked the problem down to the states. Here is the background:

Technology can help reduce social isolation among seniors

By Michael E. Festa Isolation — due to the death of a spouse, loss of friends and companions, and distance away from loved ones—puts millions...