June audio book releases from Hachette

GO WILD              Pub Date: June 3 By John J. Ratey M.D. and Richard Manning         Read by Dan Woren Harvard Medical School professor John Ratey,...

Protecting mobility as you age

By Dr. David Rideout What is mobility and why does it decline with age? Mobility is simply the physical ability to move. Mobility allows us to...

Help support funding for home, community based services

By Michael E. Festa We know that the most vulnerable among us must be protected. The aging population of Massachusetts will continue to grow along...

Home care aides get a raise, but it only makes a dent

Al Norman During debate on the state budget that begins July 1, the state Senate voted unanimously to add $6.1 million to give home care...

Dieters move past calories, food makers follow

Kelly Pill has been dieting since her was born more than 30 years ago. But the 54-year-old resident of Covina, Calif., made changes to her approach in recent years. She doesn’t eat Lean Cuisine microwavable meals as often because she doesn’t find them that filling.

Technology can help reduce social isolation among seniors

By Michael E. Festa Isolation — due to the death of a spouse, loss of friends and companions, and distance away from loved ones—puts millions...

Paul Ryan: ‘Path To Prosperity’ or road to nowhere?

By Al Norman In April, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-WI, introduced a federal budget resolution for 2014 that was equally controversial with past budgets from...

There are four types of exercises for older adults

By Judith Boyko A recent New York Times article reported on the benefits of group exercise for caregivers. It alleviates feelings of loneliness and isolation...

Travel health Part 2: The unexpected can happen

By Dr. David Rideout After a very long and cold winter, Donna and Mark, a retired couple from Framingham, had been looking forward to their...

Stroke risk tied to weather

Cold weather, high humidity and big daily temperature swings seem to land more people in the hospital with strokes.