Brains and potatoes

One day in a bookshop, I overheard a six-year-old girl and her four-year-old brother discussing which is better, movies or books. He said movies. She said books. “Movies,” she explained, “turned your brain into a potato.”

The president-elect and the future of Medicare, Medicaid

By Al Norman In October of 2016, before Donald Trump became president-elect, The Atlantic magazine published an article called “Trump’s Graying Army.” “Senior citizens are his...

Power of the 50+ voter should not be underestimated

Yet, as decision day draws near, we hear more and more about voter dissatisfaction with politicians, the political system, the status quo.

‘Saving Congressman Ryan,’ the sequel gets nasty

By Al Norman You remember trickle-down economics? Well, it’s still trickling — with an emphasis on the “trick.” In early April, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-Wis.,...

Massachusetts Care Act takes effect this month

If you are not a caregiver, chances are you will be one in the future, or maybe you know someone who is currently caring for their loved one. In 2015 in Massachusetts, family caregivers provided 786 million hours of unpaid care valued at approximately $11.6 billion annually. These family caregivers have a huge responsibility and, fortunately, there is a new state law to help them. AARP Massachusetts is thrilled to announce that the Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act is now law. The CARE Act recognizes the critical role family caregivers play in keeping their loved ones at home, and out of costly institutions. Currently, Massachusetts is the 38th state to enact the CARE Act.

Quieter, please: New products keep it down a bit

Roxanne Went uses her car as “a cone of silence” to escape the noise of leaf blowers outside her suburban West Chester, Pa., home, and of family members’ blaring music inside.

An open letter to Gov. Deval Patrick

It is an undeniable fact: Our population is growing older. In 10 short years, we will see a major increase in the 60-plus population that will effectively redefine the makeup of our commonwealth.

Super John: Kerry has big items on agenda

By Al Norman John Kerry has some big decisions to make. The senior senator from Massachusetts, as a member of the so-called “Super Committee” in Congress,...

Married folks have fewer heart problems

“It might be that if someone is married, they have a spouse who encourages them to take better care of themselves,” said Dr. Jeffrey Berger, a preventive cardiologist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York.

How to save millions in wasted health care spending

By Al Norman Elected officials are clamoring for ways to cut costs in our health care system. Yet Massachusetts is wasting hundreds of millions of...