Are you in? Join the fight to protect Medicare and Social Security

By Deborah E. Banda As the temperature heats up this summer, so does the fight to protect Medicare and Social Security. By the beginning of...

War on poverty now a war on the poor

The federal War on Poverty has turned into a war on poor people. The battle lines have shifted from alleviating poverty, to eliminating poor people. Instead of attacking poverty, the field has been reversed, and the attack is on poor people themselves.

Governor Patrick’s adult day Care blunder

Several hundred people from across the state visited Boston recently — but they were not there to take in the sites. They assembled in the cramped hearing room of the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy to protest Gov. Deval Patrick’s plan to cut the rates of the adult day care program, and ultimately to close down many of these centers.

Senator Brown you have let us down

By Al Norman Elder Advocates in Massachusetts have become spoiled. Since the mid 1960s, we have had a U.S. senator who always voted with seniors....

Solutions for winter skin problems

By Dr. Roxanne Latimer Many skin conditions are exacerbated in the winter months due to dry air both outdoors and indoors.  Here is a look...

Laser cataract & refractive lens exchange surgery

By Dr. Jean Keamy The FDA recently approved the use of the femtosecond laser for performing some steps in cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange...

Social Security is not a political toy

You may or may not be a fan of Obamacare, but one thing is clear: It has provided a diversion from the problems that plague Social Security.

Getting your eyes in better shape

By Dr. Jean E. Keamy Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is the surgical procedure that uses a laser to reshape the corneas of individuals with...

Super John: Kerry has big items on agenda

By Al Norman John Kerry has some big decisions to make. The senior senator from Massachusetts, as a member of the so-called “Super Committee” in Congress,...

Pushing health care to the states is no solution

The U.S. Senate recently found itself in a mad rush to beat the clock and repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) before Sept. 30. It was an act of desperation to support a bill that simply kicked the problem down to the states. Here is the background: