Acute bronchitis differs from a head cold

By Dr. Roxanne Latimer Acute bronchitis is a very common diagnosis especially at the height of cough and cold season. It consists of an abrupt...

Sustaining MassHealth

By Al Norman As snowy February came to a close, Governor Charlie Baker told the public that “We are going to make some significant changes...

Which Comes First, the Pension to Buy the Services, or the Services to Qualify...

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is the quintessential issue in VA nonservice connected disability pensions.

Election 2012: Don’t Stand on the Sidelines

By: Linda F. Fitzgerald Election season is upon us. And, this year, for older Americans and our families, the ballot on Nov. 6 is more...

Now available: Free help with your taxes

By Mike Festa It’s that time of year again. Yes, it’s tax time. More than 600 volunteers are ready and waiting to help older Massachusetts...

When will home care workers get ‘enough pay to stay?’

Picture a widowed elderly woman in her mid-80s. She needs help daily with bathing, dressing and toileting. But she has one more problem. She has been told that there are no workers available to come into her home to fill all the hours of care she needs. This scenario is happening more and more across the commonwealth. The recruitment and retention of home care aides, home health aides, and care managers poses a real threat to the independence of many of our older neighbors. The image of a low-wage/high-turnover job makes it hard to find and keep home care workers. We must do better if we are to keep up with our fastest growing demographic - those over age of 60. We must give these workers "enough pay to stay."

Oral care important for the older population

Older Americans make up a growing percentage of the population. As we continue to live longer, the need for proper oral care is vital to maintain natural teeth and enhance the quality of life.

The payroll tax holiday should end

By Al Norman I think Congress has it totally wrong on the issue of the Social Security payroll tax. The House and the Senate both...

Is it a good time to cut benefits?

By Michael E. Festa I recently spent the day with AARP President Rob Romasco, who was in Massachusetts for a series of events aimed at...

We are losing the war on elder hunger in the U.S.

By Al Norman Several weeks ago, researchers working for a group called The National Foundation to End Senior Hunger released a report that said seniors...