A holistic approach to staying active
By Dr. Kent Bakaev
Regardless of age, some level of physical activity is beneficial for most everyone. As we age, however, our physical, and other...
Screening tests you’ve been avoiding…and why you shouldn’t
By Dr. David Rideout, M.D.
As we get older, it is important to have health screening tests to diagnose and treat possible life-threatening conditions. Here...
The SNAP snafu
On April 9, the Mass Home Care Association and Mass Councils On Aging, sent a joint letter to the head of the state’s Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) about mismanagement of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as Food Stamps.
An apple a day may not keep the doctor away
Apple eaters had more education and were less likely to smoke than apple shunners. Apple eaters were slightly less likely to use prescription drugs, but the study lacks information on use of over-the-counter medication and alternative medicine.
Elder health Q&A: Urinary tract infections
By Christine Redding
Q: What is a urinary tract infection?
A: A urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI, is a bacterial infection that travels...
Medications can affect elderly in different ways
By Dr. David Rideout
Living an active and healthy life is a goal for all of us. Part of the arsenal of tools to stay...
Medicare vouchers? Oh no, not again
By Al Norman
“Let me be clear,” U.S. Senator Ed Markey wrote. “I will not stand by and let the Republicans break the promise of...
Planning a stress-free garden
“Many people came by and said they never thought about planting vegetables in anything other than in the ground.”
Report: Sugary drinks out; coffee, eggs in
An extra cup or two of coffee may be OK after all. More eggs, too. But you definitely need to drink less sugary soda. And, as always, don’t forget your vegetables.
Sustaining MassHealth
By Al Norman
As snowy February came to a close, Governor Charlie Baker told the public that “We are going to make some significant changes...