Home care aides get a raise, but it only makes a dent

Al Norman During debate on the state budget that begins July 1, the state Senate voted unanimously to add $6.1 million to give home care...

The hospitals and the elders should be friends

By Al Norman In the movie Oklahoma, the farmer and the cowman were encouraged to be friends: “One man likes to push a plough, the other...

How Can I Get Rid of My Glasses? Part 3

By Dr. Jean Keamy Phakic Intraocular Lens or Phakic IOL presents another option for glasses free vision. With over 10 years of history, hundreds of...

Identifying and preventing cataracts, part 1

Many of you may wonder what a cataract is. Is family history important to the development of a cataract? Can you prevent cataracts ? Will cataracts cause blindness? How are cataracts fixed?

Not All Veterans Are Created Equal

Unfortunately, under the rules of veterans benefits programs, not all veterans are created equal — eligibility is everything. There are compensation benefits for veterans who are disabled because of their service.

Five bad strategies to avoid when dieting

I’ll have to dramatically change my diet. A radical change is not necessary. A more effective strategy is to simply cut back a few hundred calories a day.

An open letter to Gov. Deval Patrick

It is an undeniable fact: Our population is growing older. In 10 short years, we will see a major increase in the 60-plus population that will effectively redefine the makeup of our commonwealth.

Been down so long it looks like up when it comes to retiree needs

By Al Norman Another state budget debate has come and gone. The Conference Committee working out differences between the House and Senate budget for 2012 released...

Obesity should be boomers’ biggest fear

Boomers are more obese than other generations, a new poll finds, setting them up for unhealthy senior years.

April audio book releases from Hachette

  FROG MUSIC*                                        Pub Date: April 1 By Emma Donoghue           Read by Khristine Hvam Summer of 1876: San Francisco is in the fierce grip of a record-breaking...