Pain in the back widely over treated

By Lauran Neergaard WASHINGTON — “Why did they cut you?” The shocking question came from a respected spine surgeon tracked down by Keith Swenson, who was still...

Boomers finding space for team, fitness sports

The country’s largest generation is running, walking, swimming and using exercise machines in hopes of changing the face of aging.

Reducing belly fat is key to optimum exercise results

By Matt D. Essex Toward the end of 2014, you probably missed the breaking news that could impact your New Year’s resolution. CBS reported on...

Hearing aid tax credit before legislators

By Dr. Robert Mario Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas) urged a gathering of 120 supporters of the Hearing Aid Tax Credit to help him work for...

Treating poor people as “passive” health care consumers

By Al Norman In 2009, a state legislator who chaired the House Financial Services Committee on Beacon Hill introduced a bill that would "automatically enroll...

Obesity should be boomers’ biggest fear

Boomers are more obese than other generations, a new poll finds, setting them up for unhealthy senior years.

There’s another choice besides hurting the needy

Our state budget is the financial expression of what our Constitution refers to as a “social compact” to ensure all individuals with “the power of enjoying, in safety and tranquility, their natural rights and the blessings of life.”

Nearly 1 in 20 US adults over 50 have fake knees

Doctors know the number of knee replacement operations has surged in the past decade, especially in baby boomers

The health care penalties of growing old

In late September, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation released two reports regarding health care for seniors in Massachusetts. The first report found that while a large majority of seniors are satisfied with the healthcare, over 25 percent of older adults were dissatisfied with healthcare costs, and more than 20 percent said it has become harder to pay for healthcare services or prescription drugs over the past five years. Both concerns are higher among seniors who report poor health or a disability.

Keeping in touch

One of Janice Lindsay’s vintage postcards   By Janice Lindsay People don’t send many postcards these days. Here’s what we do: Snap photos with our smartphone and...