Avoid holiday scams this season with the AARP Fraud Watch Network

By Mike Festa State Director, AARP Massachusetts Did you know that someone’s identity gets stolen every two seconds? The AARP Fraud Watch Network provides you with...

Is organic food better for you

Stanford University doctors dug through reams of research to find out — and concluded there’s little evidence that going organic is much healthier, citing only a few differences involving pesticides and antibiotics.

Ukulele nervous

Why was I so nervous? The world would not come to an end – even my tiny corner would not be endangered – if I could not learn how to play the ukulele.

How can I get rid of glasses after cataract surgery? Part 4

By Dr. Jean Keamy Cataracts typically occur in patients over 50. At birth the lens is crystal clear, but with time it gets cloudy. This...

‘Mindfulness’ grows in popularity, and profits

In what’s become a daily ritual, Tim Ryan finds a quiet spot, closes his eyes, clears his mind and tries to tap into the eternal calm. In Ryan’s world, it’s a stretch for people to get this relaxed. He’s a member of Congress.

Diabetic eye disease: What you should know

By Dr. Steven A. Nielsen As we leave the mildness of early autumn behind and prepare for the approaching colder months, it is important not...

June audio book releases from Hachette

GO WILD              Pub Date: June 3 By John J. Ratey M.D. and Richard Manning         Read by Dan Woren Harvard Medical School professor John Ratey,...

Paul Ryan: ‘Path To Prosperity’ or road to nowhere?

By Al Norman In April, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-WI, introduced a federal budget resolution for 2014 that was equally controversial with past budgets from...

The hospitals and the elders should be friends

By Al Norman In the movie Oklahoma, the farmer and the cowman were encouraged to be friends: “One man likes to push a plough, the other...

No one fix to slow hospital readmission epidemic

More than 1 million Americans wind up back in the hospital only weeks after they left for reasons that could have been prevented — a revolving door that for years has seemed impossible to slow.