Cash can bribe dieters to lose weight

Willpower apparently can be bought. The chance to win or lose $20 a month enticed dieters in a yearlong study to drop an average of 9 pounds.

Male family caregivers: A population needing support

By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP Massachusetts What’s your image of a caregiver? If you envisioned a middle-aged woman, one who is caring for an...

What has happened to the Gerontocracy in this country?

By Al Norman I was honored to speak recently to the graduating class of the U. Mass Boston B.A. in Gerontology Program. Here is a...

Elizabeth Warren takes on ‘the anarchy gang

By Al Norman Massachusetts’ senior senator, Elizabeth Warren, has wasted little time in showing that she is not afraid to take on tough issues. One of...

Federal views diverge on proper use of painkillers

Different parts of the federal government describe the problem — and potential solutions — of abuse with Vicodin, OxyContin and other opioid drugs in different terms.

‘Mindfulness’ grows in popularity, and profits

In what’s become a daily ritual, Tim Ryan finds a quiet spot, closes his eyes, clears his mind and tries to tap into the eternal calm. In Ryan’s world, it’s a stretch for people to get this relaxed. He’s a member of Congress.

Beauty experts sing the praises of salt , skin

Salt has been used as a skin scrub “since practically the beginning of time,” said Allure magazine Editor-in-Chief Linda Wells. “It’s something that’s a great exfoliant. And it feels really good on the skin. There’s also relaxing bath salts, Epsom salt — you can just soak in those — and they have an anti-inflammatory effect. It’s good if you’re feeling puffy.”

Fresh-squeezed veggie juice finally comes of age

At midmorning, the line at Liquiteria is almost out the door. Customers at the bright, cheerful juice bar can’t seem to get enough of owner Doug Green’s menu of smoothies and fresh-squeezed juices. Some of the drinks are billed as energy builders; others promise to burn fat, boost the immune system or detoxify the lymph system.

Reducing belly fat is key to optimum exercise results

By Matt D. Essex Toward the end of 2014, you probably missed the breaking news that could impact your New Year’s resolution. CBS reported on...