Not All Veterans Are Created Equal

Unfortunately, under the rules of veterans benefits programs, not all veterans are created equal — eligibility is everything. There are compensation benefits for veterans who are disabled because of their service.

Why Medicaid Matters for People with Medicare

By Ron Pollack You’ve worked hard, saved what you can, and you think you’re pretty well set for retirement. However, as recent stock market fluctuations...

The Supreme ‘Obamacare’ surprise will test mental health limits

By Al Norman On June 28, Chief Justice John Roberts surprised a lot of people — myself included. I had been writing that the U.S....
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

You hunter, me gatherer

Ordinarily, this woman does not believe that household tasks are sex-specific. A person does not need upper-body strength to balance a checkbook. The ability to bear children does not uniquely qualify someone to slip a role of toilet paper into a holder. So when routine household chores don’t require superior brawn, she and her husband share them, each doing what he or she likes best or dislikes least.

Machines say, ‘Make my day.’

Mechanical objects aren’t necessarily terrifying; it’s just that some of us might have been more comfortable in a slightly less technological century. For me, the...

Obama should never have accepted Social Security COLA cut

By Al Norman Just before the New Year, I was invited to listen in on a White House conference call. The briefing was not open...

‘Saving Congressman Ryan,’ the sequel gets nasty

By Al Norman You remember trickle-down economics? Well, it’s still trickling — with an emphasis on the “trick.” In early April, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-Wis.,...

Couldn’t we just snooze through it all?

By Janice Lindsay Woodchucks do it. Bats do it. Chipmunks and jumping mice do it. Bears do it. I want to do it, too. I want...

Five reasons why volunteerism is good for you

By Michael E. Festa I see the power of the volunteer firsthand. AARP volunteers work every day to help people 50+ turn dreams into real...

Five bad strategies to avoid when dieting

I’ll have to dramatically change my diet. A radical change is not necessary. A more effective strategy is to simply cut back a few hundred calories a day.