Recipe box, web of life

Many of these loving, funny, helpful women are gone. Some are still with us. But all their spirits linger in my recipe box, thanks to the long-ago wedding gift of a thoughtful friend. Before my husband and I were married – 48 years ago this month – my friend contacted about 50 of my female friends, relatives, and relatives-to-be, asking them to write their favorite recipes on 3x5 index cards. She collected 150 recipes, most of them handwritten, some typed. She filed them in a yellow plastic recipe box.

Volunteering with AARP

Are you looking for a new opportunity? Would you like to explore new ways to connect with your neighbors, and also make new friends? You have a lifetime of experience to offer. If you’re looking to give back to your community and build new relationships, AARP Massachusetts can help you find the perfect fit with our many volunteer opportunities.

Finding purpose when the workday is done

it may be a relief to step out of the “rat race,” and leave behind tightly scheduled work weeks, many people still appreciate having a sense of purpose.

You’ve got a ‘Facebook’ friend…

A television ad that has run frequently in past months features “Beatrice,” an older woman who doesn’t quite get the concept of how Facebook works. Beatrice tells her two friends that she “posted” her vacation pictures on her “wall,” the term used when putting items on your personal Facebook page. In reality, she put physical copies of her photos on a wall in her home.

Do you remember when The Rolling Stones played at Sir Morgan’s Cove in Worcester...

By Brett Peruzzi, Managing Editor WORCESTER - On September 14, 1981, The Rolling Stones played in front of 300 people in a packed nightclub on...
Energetic and outgoing RV owners can enjoy a variety of benefits in seasonal work camper or camp host jobs.

Work camping and camp host jobs offer adventure and perks

By Barbara Hazelden, Contributing Writer REGION - Visiting RV parks and campgrounds is an ideal way to enjoy the scenic beauty of Massachusetts and a...

Paddleboarding enthusiasts say it’s good for both the body and soul

By Peg Lopata, Contributing writer REGION - The temperatures are in the nineties. There’s hardly a breeze. You could hide out in the air conditioning,...
Access to 16 different Cape Cod beaches makes Dennis an attractive retirement destination.

Retiring in Massachusetts is attractive, but can be costly

By Sharon Longo Contributing Writer REGION - Massachusetts has its pros and cons when it comes to retiring here. Some data shows it to be an...

Women’s cycling group traverses Massachusetts during four-day trek

Fitness and Friendship - Women's group achieves goals, stays fit though cycling By Debra Roberts, Contributing Writer NORTHBRIDGE – On a cold, January day, amid the...
Dancing has been shown to improve physical fitness, may also help to lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and the social aspect can lead to better emotional well-being.

Dance your way to fitness and friendship

By Sharon Longo, Contributing Writer REGION - Whether it’s a memory of a class, a crowded nightclub, or a relative’s wedding, we’ve probably all danced...