Failure to plan for long-term care could leave you holding an empty bag

By Margot Birke Today we face the real possibility, as we grow older, of seeking long-term care in a nursing home for ourselves or for...

Do you need an elder law attorney?

Linda T. Cammuso With people living longer and the healthcare and financial worlds growing more complicated, it is likely that you or a loved one...

Alzheimer’s diagnosis should spur financial, legal plan

By Cathleen Summers According to statistics recently released by the Alzheimer’s Association, there are 5.4 million Americans who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Every 69 seconds,...

Protecting your Children’s Inheritance

By Linda T. Cammuso When parents name a child in a will or trust, or list the child as a joint owner on an asset...

The Medicaid five-year look back: The gift that keeps giving

Medicaid will analyze any such gifts or transfers to determine if they are “disqualifying transfers.” If a gift is considered a disqualifying transfer, then Medicaid will assess a “penalty period” based on the value of the gift, which is a period of time during which you will not able to receive Medicaid.

Helping your adult children with their finances

By Linda T. Cammuso The United States economy is slowly recovering in the wake of the most significant financial crisis since the Great Depression. Still,...

Understanding Homestead protection: How it protects you

If you own your own home and believe that it is protected because you have a Declaration of Homestead it is important that you and your loved ones fully understand the law.

Does a dementia diagnosis mean it’s too late for estate planning?

By Linda T. Cammuso If you or a loved one are among the millions of individuals diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it is possible...

What is elder law and how does it apply to families?

The National Elder Law Foundation defines elder law as “the legal practice of counseling and representing older persons or their representatives.” On its face the definition appears to be both simple and clear.

My loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, now what?

It is estimated that about five million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and about 360,000 people are newly diagnosed each year.