Durable Powers of Attorney: Not so durable after all?

By Linda T. Cammuso A Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA), sometimes called just a “Power of Attorney,” is a legal document that allows you to...

Who should you leave that diamond ring to?

By Linda T. Cammuso A new client recently told me that he has been delaying the task of updating his will since his wife passed...

The basics of Medicaid: What you can and cannot keep

By Margot Birke In order to understand Medicaid qualifications, you first need to know how Medicaid treats your assets. Basically, Medicaid breaks your assets down...

Understanding a Medicare glitch can save money

By Linda T. Cammuso When you are admitted to a hospital, you might naturally think that you are an inpatient. But, the hospital may have...

Raising your grandchildren? Estate planning a must

By Linda T. Cammuso Today, more grandchildren are living with grandparents than ever before. According to data collected over the past 40 years, the number...

Transferring property to the kids could backfire

Clients frequently ask, “Why can’t I just put my house in my children’s names?” It seems simple — and cheap — enough: protect assets, avoid probate, all just for the price of a deed and a recording fee. But as the old saying goes, “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

LegalZoom sued over low-cost wills and trusts

We’ve all seen the commercials. The ones featured prominently in primetime, during sporting events, in between the news and our favorite programs. I’m talking about the commercials with former O.J. Simpson attorney, Robert Shapiro, pitching his company, LegalZoom, as the next best thing since sliced bread.

New state homestead law gives expanded protection

By Linda T. Cammuso Until now, Massachusetts homeowners had to choose between homestead protection — which safeguards the equity in one’s home from attachment by...

State’s homestead law and newly enacted changes

By Cathleen Summers We are often contacted by clients and asked to explain the homestead law here in Massachusetts. What are the advantages of declaring...

Alzheimer’s diagnosis should spur financial, legal plan

By Cathleen Summers According to statistics recently released by the Alzheimer’s Association, there are 5.4 million Americans who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Every 69 seconds,...