From beginning to end, Falene filled our home with joy

When the little calico cat showed up at my office doorstep more than 20 years ago, one look at those huge green eyes, with their dark, mascara-like rims, and that “prairie dog” stance and I was instantly won over.

Put trust in yourself to make your life better

Whom do I trust? If you really want to know, I trust my friends, otherwise they wouldn’t be my friends. I trust most family members; the ones I don’t I keep at arm’s length. Finally, if you want to know if I trust my government, the answer is more complicated.

Good friends offer safe harbor through life’s journey

Friendship is the first word that comes to mind as I reflect on the last decade. When I ushered in the millennium at Walt Disney World, the big Y2K scare wasn’t a concern for me. Rather, I was enjoying the moment, surrounded by dear friends.
Bill Levine with his friend Lee, to whom he passed on a job opportunity that was a perfect match for him.

With a little help from our friends

By Bill Levine, Contributing Writer REGION - My childhood friend’s 70th birthday party was basically a boys’ night out at his house. Our octet of...

An adult pastime bites the dust with splashy makeover

On long summer days at Revere Beach, all of us kids knew that once the Scrabble board came out, we had to make ourselves scarce — to intrude with requests for snacks or tattle-telling would be met with severe reproach.

Alaska worth the 20-year-wait to visit

We arrived in Juneau on the second day of the cruise. Standing on deck as we pulled into port, we spotted a large American eagle perched on the ship’s gangplank. We weren’t in the “lower 48” anymore. We had arrived in a part of the country where even the best superlatives are inadequate.

Despite the negative buzz, health law is good for older Americans

If you take the politics out of the recently passed health care law, there’s a lot for older Americans to like.

Generation gap no laughing matter

The “generation gap” was a term popularized in the ’60s to describe the divide between Baby Boomers and their parents. We Boomers were rebels, politically and socially, much to the chagrin of our parents’ generation.
Janice Lindsay

It starts with one toy elephant

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer In a recent conversation with acquaintances, the subject of collecting things arose. Someone suggested that the urge to create collections...

When a house is more of a home, downsizing is bittersweet

As I pack up our home of more than 17 years, I gaze out my front window at the weeping cherry that my husband, David, bought me for the first wedding anniversary that we spent in our home. It was so tiny then, fragile, yet elegant.