No free lunch for the French or for any of us

Chalk it up to sour grapes — pun intended — but I am finding it difficult to empathize with the disgruntled French who now have to wait until age 62 to retire.

Candidates, voters must work together

As the election season winds down, there are just two things left for voters to do: study up on the issues then hit the ballot box. Sounds easy, so why do potential voters seem so frustrated or worse, ambivalent?

Without a supportive culture, caregivers don’t have a chance

Until a year-and-a-half ago, Kathi Bailey, 47, felt like an “Oreo cookie.” She was sandwiched between the responsibilities of taking care of her cancer-stricken mother and meeting the needs of her two teenagers, her husband and her full-time job.

Land of the mouse encouraging, rewarding volunteerism

Once a month, I take time out of my busy work and personal schedule to supervise the flow of individuals who, without the extra food, would not get proper nutrition and, in some cases, would go hungry. I have been a volunteer at that food pantry for more years than I can remember.

Thanks a lot, Bulova

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Eighty years ago, in July of 1941, the few thousand Americans who owned TVs could witness a momentous event, though...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

The courage to begin

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Pia the young osprey perched at the edge of a massive nest constructed atop a pole on an island in...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Spring cleaning and the dusty mind

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer With good intentions and delusions about the extent of my ambition, I compile a list of household chores to complete...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Little comment, big change

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer It’s thought-provoking, how a small event, even a small remark, can change a life’s trajectory. You move along confidently in...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Summer insects; some are magical

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I awoke around midnight and, unable to sleep, I watched out the window as flickering lights floated above the grassy...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Love of the news-on-paper

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer This month marks thirty years since I began writing a freelance column for a local weekly newspaper from my home...