Advertisers woo aging market

Our 78 million demographic is worth its weight in gold — $15 trillion in global buying power by the end of this decade.

Who will take care of us when we are old?

We are learning that the pool of family and friends available to take care of us in old age will be less than half as deep as it is today.

Working can help ward off dementia, study reports

While many older Americans delayed retirement or re-entered the workforce during the recent economic downturn, besides the obvious financial incentives, an unexpected benefit might be the delay of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Oldest boomers original yet conventional

As a typical age-denying boomer I was floored to hear the oldest members of my cohort are eligible for full Social Security benefits. It just isn’t possible that the generation that coined the phrase, “Don’t trust anyone over 30,” is now in its golden years.

Facebook posters nasty to oldsters

I am a Facebook user. Mostly I post for this publication’s page. Occasionally I share a photo or two of my cats or peruse the pages of high school classmates and long lost friends. Facebook appeals to my nosey nature.

Early feminism didn’t tout financial security

I once believed that feminism would solve all issues of inequality. But, that was when I was a young, idealistic college student in the 1970s.

AARP head a very capable leader

With the economy still in the skids, affecting programs and services for aging Americans nationwide, it is comforting to know there are advocates in the trenches fighting the good fight.

Internet sensation shows true love despite adversity

Social media meets flashcards is what I thought while half-heartedly watching NBC news coverage of a photo that had gone viral on the Internet.

Gridlock is not the solution to American woes

It’s a new year and a new/old administration and Congress. If only the old could disappear and we could start with a clean slate. The trouble is the same old problem — gridlock — could actually be worse.

Aging and the art of New Year’s resolutions

I am ambivalent when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Why begin the new year saddled with have-tos? Isn’t it easier to just spread out goals and objectives throughout the year so they don’t pile up into one big stressful burden?