Strong secretariat key to reversing state’s dismal care record

There was a time when a sound argument could be made that Massachusetts was on the right track when it came to aging residents in need of long-term care services and their caregivers.

Is favorite child a better caregiver?

It seems there’s a universal truth in the “Mom always liked you best” quip Tommy Smothers directed at his brother Dick. Studies over the last few years show that parents do have favorites among their children.

Good friends offer safe harbor through life’s journey

Friendship is the first word that comes to mind as I reflect on the last decade. When I ushered in the millennium at Walt Disney World, the big Y2K scare wasn’t a concern for me. Rather, I was enjoying the moment, surrounded by dear friends.

Working can help ward off dementia, study reports

While many older Americans delayed retirement or re-entered the workforce during the recent economic downturn, besides the obvious financial incentives, an unexpected benefit might be the delay of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

The sky’s the limit, regardless of age

When I was a kid, I used to say I wanted to be a fashion designer when I grew up. When I entered college, I thought about becoming a lawyer. Instead, I capitalized on a natural ability to write.

The gardening gene skipped me

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I am not now, nor have I ever been, a gardener. I love flowers. I grew up among gardens both...

The future of Medicare, Social Security rests with our influence

Here lies the opportunity for my generation to make sure that whatever Congress does to curb the deficit, Medicare and Social Security will not only survive, but will remain in forms we can count on as safety nets.

Things to be suspicious of

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer While contemplating the arrival of the new year, I came upon a few cautionary notes I had written to myself,...

Setting goals for New Year’s and how to keep them

At its heart, a resolution is a practice in self-delusion, doomed to failure. Right? At its heart, a resolution is a practice in self-delusion, doomed to failure. Right? So, why should we set ourselves up to fail?

No free lunch for the French or for any of us

Chalk it up to sour grapes — pun intended — but I am finding it difficult to empathize with the disgruntled French who now have to wait until age 62 to retire.