Trips down memory lane inspire longing

The idea that we could get two, first-run flicks for 50 cents was an economical way for our parents to get rid of us for an afternoon, not to mention allowing us kids to escape into a fantasy-filled experience of faraway places.

The sky’s the limit, regardless of age

When I was a kid, I used to say I wanted to be a fashion designer when I grew up. When I entered college, I thought about becoming a lawyer. Instead, I capitalized on a natural ability to write.

Medicaid not meant to shoulder burden of care

The extent to which families rely on Medicaid to pay for long-term care means the program’s money is being stretched way too thin.

Generation gap no laughing matter

The “generation gap” was a term popularized in the ’60s to describe the divide between Baby Boomers and their parents. We Boomers were rebels, politically and socially, much to the chagrin of our parents’ generation.

Wisdom and old age go hand in hand

Instead of noticing the fresh air, azaleas or budding trees, I was intently listening to my friend, who was sharing what she had just learned — the secret to maintaining her sanity.

Life before the Internet

A result of this technology-based era, and the new and/or improved products and services that come with it, is an over complication of bills for everyday expenses such as cable, phone, Internet, fuel, electric and other household utilities.

Aging is not for sissies: Community can help

As movie legend Bette Davis said, “Old age is no place for sissies.” Those of us navigating this path are all too familiar with the losses and financial and health challenges that confront us with each day.

Is favorite child a better caregiver?

It seems there’s a universal truth in the “Mom always liked you best” quip Tommy Smothers directed at his brother Dick. Studies over the last few years show that parents do have favorites among their children.

Past year reflections result in aha moments

When I was young, my friends and I would poke fun at those wacky old aunts who talked about their maladies. Now we are just as inclined to share the most intimate details of our health issues at every opportunity.

Turning 60 at Disney World frees the inner child

My birthday present to myself was to turn a blind eye to calories. So I ate and drank (no driving) with reckless abandon.