Mattie is with me when I vote

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When my mother was born, there was no guarantee that this baby girl would have the right to vote for...

Aging isn’t about the number

Since perception is the greater part of reality, what this 61-year-old sees when she takes a peek depends on the day.
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Doggone gone dog: Not Our Dog

The two of us were walking early one Sunday morning, on our long walk far from home and back, when out of the woods...

Beloved actor helps put a face on nation’s elder abuse ‘pandemic’

Tears with my morning coffee. That’s not the best way to start the day. Yet, that’s how it began when I turned on the news and saw one of the nation’s most beloved actors, Mickey Rooney, 91, pouring out his heart to lawmakers about the abuse that made him feel powerless against supposed loved ones.

Sen. Kerry talks Social Security, Medicare, debt ceiling during AARP forum

Medicare and Social Security should not be on the table during the deficit reduction conversation. Rather, Congress should reduce wasteful spending and close tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations. That was the takeaway from today’s AARP Massachusetts telephone town hall meeting.

An adult pastime bites the dust with splashy makeover

On long summer days at Revere Beach, all of us kids knew that once the Scrabble board came out, we had to make ourselves scarce — to intrude with requests for snacks or tattle-telling would be met with severe reproach.

Past year reflections result in aha moments

When I was young, my friends and I would poke fun at those wacky old aunts who talked about their maladies. Now we are just as inclined to share the most intimate details of our health issues at every opportunity.

Legislation fights workplace age bias

There are some images that you never forget. For me, it was an investigative news segment many years ago that had two woman applying for the same position in a variety of shops and department stores.

Aging and the art of New Year’s resolutions

I am ambivalent when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Why begin the new year saddled with have-tos? Isn’t it easier to just spread out goals and objectives throughout the year so they don’t pile up into one big stressful burden?

Oldest boomers original yet conventional

As a typical age-denying boomer I was floored to hear the oldest members of my cohort are eligible for full Social Security benefits. It just isn’t possible that the generation that coined the phrase, “Don’t trust anyone over 30,” is now in its golden years.