Get ready for National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month

By Janice Lindsay It’s only March, but we all need time to get ready. April 1 is the beginning of National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month....
Janice Lindsay

It starts with one toy elephant

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer In a recent conversation with acquaintances, the subject of collecting things arose. Someone suggested that the urge to create collections...

Aging isn’t about the number

Since perception is the greater part of reality, what this 61-year-old sees when she takes a peek depends on the day.

Beloved actor helps put a face on nation’s elder abuse ‘pandemic’

Tears with my morning coffee. That’s not the best way to start the day. Yet, that’s how it began when I turned on the news and saw one of the nation’s most beloved actors, Mickey Rooney, 91, pouring out his heart to lawmakers about the abuse that made him feel powerless against supposed loved ones.

Life before the Internet

A result of this technology-based era, and the new and/or improved products and services that come with it, is an over complication of bills for everyday expenses such as cable, phone, Internet, fuel, electric and other household utilities.
Janice Lindsay

We did it for Grandma

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The recipe for this meal begins “Dig a hole.”  Following a family tradition that began decades before I was born and...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Love of the news-on-paper

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer This month marks thirty years since I began writing a freelance column for a local weekly newspaper from my home...

Slump, buckle, and grunt

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer August is the season for slump, buckle, and grunt. And for crumble, roly poly, flummery, fool, duff, puff, fluff, strum,...

Is favorite child a better caregiver?

It seems there’s a universal truth in the “Mom always liked you best” quip Tommy Smothers directed at his brother Dick. Studies over the last few years show that parents do have favorites among their children.
Janice Lindsay

Those words we love to hear

By Janice Lindsay What are your favorite words? I don’t mean famous sets of three biggies, like “Goodness, Truth, Beauty” or “Faith, Hope, Charity” or “Truth,...