‘TV Guide’ story sheds light on aging and pop culture

Barbara Streisand, old? Diane Keaton, old? Michael Douglas? Steve Martin? Jane Fonda? Maybe it’s me, but I just don’t think of these entertainers as being old. Yet, there they were — featured online on the homepage of TVGuide.com in a pictorial story titled, “Old People We Love.” As I flipped through the photos and bios, I actually had to return to the headline twice just to make sure I was perusing the right story.

Post work: Ways to ensure the good life

Through the years I have interviewed far too many financially strapped retirees, yet I am still moved by individuals who are wiped out by one catastrophic illness or who have not sufficiently calculated the amount needed to live in relative comfort.

Life before the Internet

A result of this technology-based era, and the new and/or improved products and services that come with it, is an over complication of bills for everyday expenses such as cable, phone, Internet, fuel, electric and other household utilities.

May pays tribute to older Americans

By Sondra L. Shapiro From the local supermarket to Walt Disney World, there seems to be more gray hair in the crowd, a sure sign...

Don’t leave our future in the hands of Congress

If there’s one thing I learned from the deficit reduction talks in Washington, it’s that I can’t take for granted that the entitlements my parents and grandparents have enjoyed will remain the same for my generation of baby boomers.

Two baby cats restore happiness in the family

Who would have thought two abandoned kitties we recently adopted would come to symbolize a new lease on life for all of us?

Caregiving stint reveals disturbing dark side

I always considered myself a nurturing person. Though I don’t have children, I am a classic hoverer and worrier — a regular Johnny-on-the-spot whenever friends or family require emotional or medical support.

Despite the negative buzz, health law is good for older Americans

If you take the politics out of the recently passed health care law, there’s a lot for older Americans to like.
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Eighty five years of too many books

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer This year marks the 85th anniversary of the start of what is sometimes called “the modern paperback revolution,” which made...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Hearing the music

By Janice Lindsay  One summer night when I was around 10, I lay alone on the grass near my grandmother’s secluded house, gazing at the...