Christmas trees, real and not

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Every Christmas, I say, “Maybe this year, I should have a real tree instead of the artificial one.” Every year,...

Early feminism didn’t tout financial security

I once believed that feminism would solve all issues of inequality. But, that was when I was a young, idealistic college student in the 1970s.

Childhood prediction may not live up to reality

When I was in the first grade, I had a particular interest in the number 100. I liked the way it sounded and looked. When I informed my teacher that I planned on living to 100, she didn’t laugh.
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

The courage to begin

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Pia the young osprey perched at the edge of a massive nest constructed atop a pole on an island in...

Who will take care of us when we are old?

We are learning that the pool of family and friends available to take care of us in old age will be less than half as deep as it is today.
Janice Lindsay

Coincidence? Or not?

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I haven’t studied the saints and I don’t spend much time thinking about them. But I know that October 4...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Pen a complaint. It works.

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer A colorful Work of Art sat on my desk, a piece I created myself, that turned out to be quite...

Working can help ward off dementia, study reports

While many older Americans delayed retirement or re-entered the workforce during the recent economic downturn, besides the obvious financial incentives, an unexpected benefit might be the delay of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Two baby cats restore happiness in the family

Who would have thought two abandoned kitties we recently adopted would come to symbolize a new lease on life for all of us?

Alaska worth the 20-year-wait to visit

We arrived in Juneau on the second day of the cruise. Standing on deck as we pulled into port, we spotted a large American eagle perched on the ship’s gangplank. We weren’t in the “lower 48” anymore. We had arrived in a part of the country where even the best superlatives are inadequate.