No free lunch for the French or for any of us

Chalk it up to sour grapes — pun intended — but I am finding it difficult to empathize with the disgruntled French who now have to wait until age 62 to retire.

Legislation fights workplace age bias

There are some images that you never forget. For me, it was an investigative news segment many years ago that had two woman applying for the same position in a variety of shops and department stores.
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Doggone gone dog: Not Our Dog

The two of us were walking early one Sunday morning, on our long walk far from home and back, when out of the woods...
Bill Levine with his friend Lee, to whom he passed on a job opportunity that was a perfect match for him.

With a little help from our friends

By Bill Levine, Contributing Writer REGION - My childhood friend’s 70th birthday party was basically a boys’ night out at his house. Our octet of...

‘TV Guide’ story sheds light on aging and pop culture

Barbara Streisand, old? Diane Keaton, old? Michael Douglas? Steve Martin? Jane Fonda? Maybe it’s me, but I just don’t think of these entertainers as being old. Yet, there they were — featured online on the homepage of in a pictorial story titled, “Old People We Love.” As I flipped through the photos and bios, I actually had to return to the headline twice just to make sure I was perusing the right story.
Janice Lindsay

There’s no such thing as a vacant lot

By Janice Lindsay I once read an article in which the writer tried to describe Alaska. When I read the first sentence, I choked on...

Generation gap no laughing matter

The “generation gap” was a term popularized in the ’60s to describe the divide between Baby Boomers and their parents. We Boomers were rebels, politically and socially, much to the chagrin of our parents’ generation.
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

The Grammy and Granddaughter Book Club

By Janice Lindsay Was it legal for a grown-up to have this much fun in a bookstore? To smile and even chuckle as she turned...

Despite the negative buzz, health law is good for older Americans

If you take the politics out of the recently passed health care law, there’s a lot for older Americans to like.

Get ready for National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month

By Janice Lindsay It’s only March, but we all need time to get ready. April 1 is the beginning of National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month....