Generation gap no laughing matter

The “generation gap” was a term popularized in the ’60s to describe the divide between Baby Boomers and their parents. We Boomers were rebels, politically and socially, much to the chagrin of our parents’ generation.

Informal caregivers receive recognition, support

It was supposed to be a quiet evening at home with dear friends. I spent the afternoon cooking. Two hours before the meal, my friend called to say she had received a call from her 85-year-old mother.

Six Seasons of the Year

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer As you read this, summer might be here or almost, but my summer began on Tuesday afternoon, May 5, around...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

“Regrets I have a few, but then again, too few to mention” crooned Frank Sinatra. The words were in the context of someone at the end of life looking back.

High school sports? Not me.

Someone asked me recently what sports I played in high school, as if everybody in high school plays sports. I was not a sports...
Janice Lindsay

There’s no such thing as a vacant lot

By Janice Lindsay I once read an article in which the writer tried to describe Alaska. When I read the first sentence, I choked on...

Our Secret Mom-Poetry Project

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Throughout the secret project, the children impressed me the most. They all knew the secret, they all helped, and they...

From beginning to end, Falene filled our home with joy

When the little calico cat showed up at my office doorstep more than 20 years ago, one look at those huge green eyes, with their dark, mascara-like rims, and that “prairie dog” stance and I was instantly won over.

Bargain hunter laments passing of Filene’s Basement

Modesty took a backseat to a bargain at the original Filene’s Basement in downtown Boston. As women stripped down to their bras and girdles in the middle of aisles to try on skirts, dresses or slacks, men stood on the stairs unabashedly ogling the scene below.

Medicaid not meant to shoulder burden of care

The extent to which families rely on Medicaid to pay for long-term care means the program’s money is being stretched way too thin.