Bill Levine with his friend Lee, to whom he passed on a job opportunity that was a perfect match for him.

With a little help from our friends

By Bill Levine, Contributing Writer REGION - My childhood friend’s 70th birthday party was basically a boys’ night out at his house. Our octet of...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Evil plastic thingies and other modern conveniences

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When faced with a major life crisis, most of us rally. We face it, figure out what to do, and...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Back-to-school envy

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Do other grown-ups gaze longingly at the “School Supplies” store shelves at this time of year?   All those lovely blank notebooks...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Keep your eye on the hole, not just the doughnut

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Physically, I was driving in the sunshine to New Hampshire, looking forward to a pleasant visit with my brother and...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Perk up, Little Sister

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Little Sister was a perennial pink geranium, alone in the corner of a small garden. She was tiny and thin,...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Watching monarchs

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Maybe it’s true, as Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote, that “in spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Little comment, big change

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer It’s thought-provoking, how a small event, even a small remark, can change a life’s trajectory. You move along confidently in...
Janice Lindsay

It starts with one toy elephant

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer In a recent conversation with acquaintances, the subject of collecting things arose. Someone suggested that the urge to create collections...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Pen a complaint. It works.

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer A colorful Work of Art sat on my desk, a piece I created myself, that turned out to be quite...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

When a relative turns 100

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer You don’t often have a chance to wish a family member a happy 100th birthday. The occasion is cause for...