Get ready for National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month

By Janice Lindsay It’s only March, but we all need time to get ready. April 1 is the beginning of National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month....

Working can help ward off dementia, study reports

While many older Americans delayed retirement or re-entered the workforce during the recent economic downturn, besides the obvious financial incentives, an unexpected benefit might be the delay of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

From beginning to end, Falene filled our home with joy

When the little calico cat showed up at my office doorstep more than 20 years ago, one look at those huge green eyes, with their dark, mascara-like rims, and that “prairie dog” stance and I was instantly won over.

Who will take care of us when we are old?

We are learning that the pool of family and friends available to take care of us in old age will be less than half as deep as it is today.
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Eighty five years of too many books

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer This year marks the 85th anniversary of the start of what is sometimes called “the modern paperback revolution,” which made...

Medicaid not meant to shoulder burden of care

The extent to which families rely on Medicaid to pay for long-term care means the program’s money is being stretched way too thin.

Things to be suspicious of

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer While contemplating the arrival of the new year, I came upon a few cautionary notes I had written to myself,...
Westborough resident Wendi Comey celebrates her 68th birthday by completing her goal of walking 1500 miles in 2023. Photo/Submitted

The Walking Woman of Westborough walks on

By Wendi Comey, Contributing Writer  WESTBOROUGH – Traveling in one direction, it’s about 1,500 miles from Westborough to Key Largo, and if I walked in...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Evil plastic thingies and other modern conveniences

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When faced with a major life crisis, most of us rally. We face it, figure out what to do, and...

Aging and the art of New Year’s resolutions

I am ambivalent when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Why begin the new year saddled with have-tos? Isn’t it easier to just spread out goals and objectives throughout the year so they don’t pile up into one big stressful burden?