Janice Lindsay

A guilty pleasure, but I don’t feel guilty

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When my mother gave me an age-softened novel called “The Woman-Haters,” I was not excited about reading it, being a...

Post work: Ways to ensure the good life

Through the years I have interviewed far too many financially strapped retirees, yet I am still moved by individuals who are wiped out by one catastrophic illness or who have not sufficiently calculated the amount needed to live in relative comfort.

Our Secret Mom-Poetry Project

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Throughout the secret project, the children impressed me the most. They all knew the secret, they all helped, and they...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

In search of a piece of toast

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Hopeful Consumer Lady needed a new toaster. She thought this would be easy. She splurged for a nifty-sounding high-tech model from...

Six Seasons of the Year

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer As you read this, summer might be here or almost, but my summer began on Tuesday afternoon, May 5, around...
Janice Lindsay

When walls talk

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I once had occasion to visit a doctor who was new to me and whose office I will never forget.  Doctor-visiting...
Janice Lindsay

There’s no such thing as a vacant lot

By Janice Lindsay I once read an article in which the writer tried to describe Alaska. When I read the first sentence, I choked on...

Hello retailers, we would appreciate a welcome mat

It’s a lazy, rainy Sunday, and I’m trying to catch up with back issues of my decorating magazines. Too bad I need a magnifying glass and every light turned on in the room to make out the tiny, fancy white type describing where to purchase the items listed in the articles.

Informal caregivers receive recognition, support

It was supposed to be a quiet evening at home with dear friends. I spent the afternoon cooking. Two hours before the meal, my friend called to say she had received a call from her 85-year-old mother.

Gridlock is not the solution to American woes

It’s a new year and a new/old administration and Congress. If only the old could disappear and we could start with a clean slate. The trouble is the same old problem — gridlock — could actually be worse.