Setting goals for New Year’s and how to keep them
At its heart, a resolution is a practice in self-delusion, doomed to failure. Right? At its heart, a resolution is a practice in self-delusion, doomed to failure. Right? So, why should we set ourselves up to fail?
Caregiving stint reveals disturbing dark side
I always considered myself a nurturing person. Though I don’t have children, I am a classic hoverer and worrier — a regular Johnny-on-the-spot whenever friends or family require emotional or medical support.
Bargain hunter laments passing of Filene’s Basement
Modesty took a backseat to a bargain at the original Filene’s Basement in downtown Boston. As women stripped down to their bras and girdles in the middle of aisles to try on skirts, dresses or slacks, men stood on the stairs unabashedly ogling the scene below.
Strong secretariat key to reversing state’s dismal care record
There was a time when a sound argument could be made that Massachusetts was on the right track when it came to aging residents in need of long-term care services and their caregivers.
How come we aren’t as happy as our elders?
A new Gallup-Healthways index confirms there is such a thing as a mid-life crisis, but don’t worry because once we turn 65, it’s all laughter and contentment. older people are less likely to be sad or depressed than any other age group. In fact, although the difference is small, they’re actually somewhat happier.
When a house is more of a home, downsizing is bittersweet
As I pack up our home of more than 17 years, I gaze out my front window at the weeping cherry that my husband, David, bought me for the first wedding anniversary that we spent in our home. It was so tiny then, fragile, yet elegant.
Don’t leave our future in the hands of Congress
If there’s one thing I learned from the deficit reduction talks in Washington, it’s that I can’t take for granted that the entitlements my parents and grandparents have enjoyed will remain the same for my generation of baby boomers.
Sen. Kerry talks Social Security, Medicare, debt ceiling during AARP forum
Medicare and Social Security should not be on the table during the deficit reduction conversation. Rather, Congress should reduce wasteful spending and close tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations. That was the takeaway from today’s AARP Massachusetts telephone town hall meeting.
Hello retailers, we would appreciate a welcome mat
It’s a lazy, rainy Sunday, and I’m trying to catch up with back issues of my decorating magazines. Too bad I need a magnifying glass and every light turned on in the room to make out the tiny, fancy white type describing where to purchase the items listed in the articles.
The future of Medicare, Social Security rests with our influence
Here lies the opportunity for my generation to make sure that whatever Congress does to curb the deficit, Medicare and Social Security will not only survive, but will remain in forms we can count on as safety nets.