Janice Lindsay

As luck would have it. Or not.

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When my husband was a child, his mother told him that it was bad luck to put shoes on the...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Keep your eye on the hole, not just the doughnut

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Physically, I was driving in the sunshine to New Hampshire, looking forward to a pleasant visit with my brother and...
Janice Lindsay

Keep pedaling

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The summer I was 7, I was obsessed. I desperately wanted – no, I desperately needed – a bike.  Not that...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Things that go ‘Beep’

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer A traditional prayer from the British Isles begs, “From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties/And things that go bump in...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Finding the inner artist

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer An artist friend gave me a card that says, “We are all artists even if we don’t know how to...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Back-to-school envy

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Do other grown-ups gaze longingly at the “School Supplies” store shelves at this time of year?   All those lovely blank notebooks...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Gifts that make us happy

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When I first had the means to acquire Christmas gifts for family and friends, I’d try to discern the heart’s...
Westborough resident Wendi Comey celebrates her 68th birthday by completing her goal of walking 1500 miles in 2023. Photo/Submitted

The Walking Woman of Westborough walks on

By Wendi Comey, Contributing Writer  WESTBOROUGH – Traveling in one direction, it’s about 1,500 miles from Westborough to Key Largo, and if I walked in...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

How to guest a dinner party

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The winter holidays barrel toward us. If we’re lucky, COVID might slink into the background. Sooner or later, a friend...
Columnist Janice Lindsay

Evil plastic thingies and other modern conveniences

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When faced with a major life crisis, most of us rally. We face it, figure out what to do, and...