Long-term care can bankrupt Americans

We had begun talking about retirement, and when we broached the topic of someday needing home or institutional care, we felt financially vulnerable. So we began exploring long-term care insurance options.

Candidates, voters must work together

As the election season winds down, there are just two things left for voters to do: study up on the issues then hit the ballot box. Sounds easy, so why do potential voters seem so frustrated or worse, ambivalent?

An adult pastime bites the dust with splashy makeover

On long summer days at Revere Beach, all of us kids knew that once the Scrabble board came out, we had to make ourselves scarce — to intrude with requests for snacks or tattle-telling would be met with severe reproach.

Legislation fights workplace age bias

There are some images that you never forget. For me, it was an investigative news segment many years ago that had two woman applying for the same position in a variety of shops and department stores.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

“Regrets I have a few, but then again, too few to mention” crooned Frank Sinatra. The words were in the context of someone at the end of life looking back.

National Alzheimer’s push puts disease on the map

It was Christmas, more than 20 years ago, and my husband and I volunteered at a local nursing home to allow workers time off to be home for the holiday.

Cheney’s heart transplant is about personal freedom

I was taken aback by my less than enthusiastic reaction upon learning that former Vice President Dick Cheney had had a heart transplant.

Does the governor care about aging constituents?

What does it say about our state when its top elected official ignores the most vulnerable among us? At best, the governor’s behavior proves a disconnect, resulting from the lack of leadership at the state level tasked with serving the elderly and their caregivers.

Post work: Ways to ensure the good life

Through the years I have interviewed far too many financially strapped retirees, yet I am still moved by individuals who are wiped out by one catastrophic illness or who have not sufficiently calculated the amount needed to live in relative comfort.

Setting goals for New Year’s and how to keep them

At its heart, a resolution is a practice in self-delusion, doomed to failure. Right? At its heart, a resolution is a practice in self-delusion, doomed to failure. Right? So, why should we set ourselves up to fail?