An adult pastime bites the dust with splashy makeover

On long summer days at Revere Beach, all of us kids knew that once the Scrabble board came out, we had to make ourselves scarce — to intrude with requests for snacks or tattle-telling would be met with severe reproach.

Monstrous races

By Janice Lindsay “We never saw those people, we don’t know them, we’ve never been where they live, they’ve never been here, so obviously they...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Love of the news-on-paper

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer This month marks thirty years since I began writing a freelance column for a local weekly newspaper from my home...

Don’t listen. It’s a tradition.

This is the season when schools and college all over America invite wise and/or famous persons to address graduating classes, so that these mature...

Our parents still have something to teach us

By Sondra L. Shapiro After I delivered a eulogy for my husband’s 93-year-old grandmother, a woman I greatly admired, the rabbi approached me to say...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Sensible or not, it’s tradition

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Cultural traditions abound during the holidays. We honor those. But most families probably also have traditions of their own, which...

Caregiving stint reveals disturbing dark side

I always considered myself a nurturing person. Though I don’t have children, I am a classic hoverer and worrier — a regular Johnny-on-the-spot whenever friends or family require emotional or medical support.

Gridlock is not the solution to American woes

It’s a new year and a new/old administration and Congress. If only the old could disappear and we could start with a clean slate. The trouble is the same old problem — gridlock — could actually be worse.

From beginning to end, Falene filled our home with joy

When the little calico cat showed up at my office doorstep more than 20 years ago, one look at those huge green eyes, with their dark, mascara-like rims, and that “prairie dog” stance and I was instantly won over.
Janice Lindsay

Keep pedaling

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The summer I was 7, I was obsessed. I desperately wanted – no, I desperately needed – a bike.  Not that...